- Commercial Equipment
- Chilled Water Systems
- Absorption Chillers
- YHAU-C Single Effect Steam Absorption Chiller
YHAU-C Single Effect Steam Absorption Chiller
30-2,000 TR (105-7,034 kW)
These units are ideally suited for lower steam pressures found in commercial cooling and industrial process applications.
- Innovative, two-step evaporator and absorber for more efficiency
- Wide operating envelope to handle lower steam pressures from 4.3 to 43 psig
- Simplified operating cycle for lower cost of ownership
Increasing Efficiency and Reliability Through Innovation
The YORK® YHAU-C Single-effect, Steam Absorption Chiller offers a broad range of capacities from 30 to 2,000 TR. This unit uses an innovative, two-step evaporator and absorber cycle that is more efficient and more reliable than conventional designs. The flexibility combined with a wide operating envelope is optimally suited for commercial cooling and industrial process applications. Our world-class engineering and service organization helps simplify startup and chiller operation over the life of the system.


The YORK® YHAU-C Singe-effect, Steam Absorption Chiller uses an innovative, two-step evaporator and absorber design for enhanced efficiency.

This unit is suited for a variety of steam pressures found in CHP systems, commercial cooling and industrial process applications.

Our world-class engineering and service teams reduce the cost of ownership by simplifying the operating cycle and deliver worry-free peace of mind.
- Innovative YORK® two-step evaporator and absorber design enhances absorption of the refrigerant into the concentrated solution, reducing overall pressure and risks of crystallization.
- Solution plate heat exchanger optimizes efficiency by enabling effective heat transfer between the diluted and the concentrated lithium-bromide solutions.
- Control center with graphical, animated LCD display offers present and past operational status, data recording and chiller safeties accessible at a touch.
- Lower pressure steam into the generator can be used to drive the absorption cycle for higher system efficiency.
- Tubes made with deoxidized, low-phosphorus (DLP) copper protect against corrosion cracking. Water boxes coated with epoxy paint deliver corrosion resistance.
- Isolation valves on the suction and discharge of the solution and refrigerant pumps allow quick and easy servicing of pumps, which typically have a 60,000-hour life.
Two-step Evaporator and Absorber
YORK® YHAU-C Single-effect, Steam Absorption Chillers are uniquely designed with a two-step evaporator that has two pressure levels to divide the absorption process. The chilled water flows in tubes through the two evaporators while a concentrated lithium bromide solution is distilled in the absorber shell-side in the opposite direction. This reduces the solution concentration and overall pressure, making the unit more efficient and reliable than conventional absorption chillers.
See how it works

Falling Film Generator
The falling-film generator design provides superior heat transfer compared to a conventional, flooded generator. This design also reduces the required amount of lithium-bromide solution to be circulated, decreasing start-up time from a cold start. Stainless steel tubes are adopted to prevent stress corrosion cracking and intermediate tube supports reinforce and extend unit life.
Technical Resources
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Related Products
- Two-step evaporator and absorber design enhances absorption of the refrigerant into the concentrated solution, reducing overall pressure.
- Parallel flow cycle enables lower lithium bromide solution concentrations, reducing crystallization risk and the potential for corrosion.
- Variable-frequency drive (VFD) solution pump provides superior part-load performance to reduce steam consumption versus constant-speed pumps.
- Variable-speed driver delivers superior performance at both design and off-design conditions for higher efficiency
- Application flexibility of the chiller handles a wide range of leaving- and entering-chilled-water temperatures, fluid flows and steam conditions
- Modular configuration provides maximum flexibility, customization and compact footprint
- Innovative YORK® two-step evaporator and absorber design enhances absorption of the refrigerant into the concentrated solution, reducing overall pressure
- Lower temperature hot water source into the generator can be used to drive the absorption cycle for higher system efficiency
- Virtually eliminates crystallization risk and reduces the potential for corrosion
- Innovative YORK® two-step evaporator and absorber design enhances absorption of the refrigerant into the concentrated solution, reducing overall pressure
- Variable driving heat sources, such as jacket water from a gas engine, low- to high-pressure steam, direct-fired or exhaust gas
- Two types of YHAP-C absorption heat pumps are available: a heat amplifier (Type I) driven by high-temperature, and heat transformer (Type II) driven by medium-temperature