YORK® HVAC: Building Decarbonization Solutions in Action
Sustainable Building and Energy Savings Made RealHVAC Decarbonization for More Sustainable Buildings

What Is Decarbonization?

How HVAC Can Accelerate Building Decarbonization

Sustainable Building Solutions
Building performance standards (BPS) often require minimum energy efficiency levels or emissions requirements for built spaces, but successful decarbonization requires a holistic approach that considers a variety of factors. Low-GWP refrigerants, for example, are an important component. But total system efficiency is critical to any sustainable building strategy. Consider how moving to electric HVAC, integrating advanced controls and selecting solutions with the latest low-GWP refrigerants all contribute to the advancement of more sustainable buildings.

Discover how electrification with high-efficiency heat pumps is a key solution to reducing building carbon emissions.

How HVAC contributes to a building’s carbon footprint is just one of many factors in making the right refrigerant choice.

OpenBlue connected solutions from Johnson Controls can amplify the benefits of building-wide electrification.
Financing Your Building Decarbonization Initiatives
Reaching the green building goal of “net zero” doesn’t happen overnight, nor does it always require significant upfront investments. In fact, many facility owners can now start their sustainable buildings journey with no money upfront. We call it from OpenBlue Net Zero Buildings Johnson Controls, and it allows businesses to fund building decarbonization through energy savings. With guaranteed outcomes and risk management models to achieve emission-reduction commitments and energy-saving goals, many businesses are even able to recoup funds above and beyond the upfront project costs.